About Us
Our Philosophy
Our 3 “C’s” Proven Placement Strategy
Communication is where every great match begins. Not all households are the same - we listen to your specific needs. We are here to make your life run smoother - we get it!
MD Elite Household Staffing's team of professionals never begin a search until they truly understand your household's unique requirements - your family's lifestyle, expectations, privacy concerns and other very personal necessities.
The right fit just for you. Do not underestimate the importance of chemistry as it can make or break a match. As a former nanny and industry "insider", Melody is personally behind every match her agency makes as she intuitively knows how to find the perfect chemistry between the possible candidate and your family.
When hiring staff into your home, you need to be hiring a pre-screened professional. We know that our candidates (nannies, for example) will have a huge influence on your child's emotional, interpersonal and cognitive development. It is of primary importance for us to find a nanny that shares your personal values, child rearing philosophies and is very comfortable and compatible fit for you. We feel this is essential for filling any staffing need domestically or in a corporate setting.

President, founder of MD elite household staffing llc
As the owner and founder of MD Elite Household Staffing, Melody offers 15 years of proven expertise. From babysitter and mentor in her hometown, to studying Child Development & Psychology in college and later on Maternal and Child Public Health in graduate school, childcare has long been an integral theme in her life.
In engaging with communities as a public health professional, Melody heard time and time again challenges families faced in hiring the right staff for their home. Many families voiced frustration in using referrals or sites which promised a match through a database, but only found a profound disconnect. These frustrations and challenges were often related to poor health outcomes for families, since positive health outcomes are often reliant on a tranquil and smooth-running household.
Threading together her educational and professional experiences in working closely with communities, Melody saw a need for a domestic household matching service that took a more caring and personalized approach.
This is how MD Elite Household Staffing LLC was founded. It was started with the simple idea that there could be something better than a list serve or a rigid corporate agency but a community of trusted domestic staff. Melody infuses compassion for both sides of the search and likes to think of MD Elite Household Staffing LLC as an agency that is helping people find each other. Simply put, it’s matchmaking at the core!